Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013 - Bye Bye 2012

    The year 2012 passes like a bullet. 365 days just like a piece of peanut “Now You See Now You Don't. Where it went? What we did? What is going on? Everything we will only realized it today –The End of Day of 2012. We will always carry the lessons of the past with us and looks confidently towards future. What happened in past has always been a memorable one whether it is sour or sweet.

    The year 2012 starts with new relationship and new lifestyle in me. The life after marriage is considered one of the most challenging activities in everyone life. Of course there is a lot more to come but the moments of going through it is something extraordinary. One will always felt frustration and also happiness facing it but smiling later on thinking about it over and over again. Correct GUYZ! Responsibilities, Commitment & Understanding have always been main subject for “The Life after Marriage”.

    Many interesting things happen in 2012. There are weddings, functions, vacation, visiting’s and many more to be named. House, job, financial and families have always been like a test in life. Each individual have their own life and method on how to face it I guess. Each challenges brings us together and each accomplishment makes us stronger & stronger.

    On every New Year day, we will always organize a party in KL together with my brother but not this year. This New Year celebration, we are having a pot luck dinner at friends house which I will upload it on the next blog.

    I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2013. Let’s hope our dreams come true on the next wonderful years. Friends, Relatives, Families & All - ENJOY LAH!
BYE BYE 2012. Thanx for reading.


Monday, December 24, 2012

Bibiwok Nyonya & Thai Cuisine on Christmas eve

    Having Tomyan Thai food on Christmas eve was something unexpected but we just wanted to try something new for dinner. We were just driving around Puchong (jalan-jalan cari makan)  until we passed by this restoran BIBIWOK Nyonya & Thai cuisine . It is situated at Bandar Puteri Puchong, near to Hong Leong Bank Bandar Puteri and next to BumbuBali restoran.

    The food was good especially the tomyan seafood, almost similar to Krabhi Thailand style (I have eaten before at Krabi Thailand). The Thai “paprik” chicken style is consider a right choice and a good combination with  Tomyam Seafood. Those who just wanted to give a try a good delicious tomyan thai soup, then I surely will recommend this shop.

Thai Padprik Chicken & Tomyan Seafood
    There are always hidden cost such as the tissues & tidbits but if you are going there for the food, then don't bother. No comment on the food. Simply good. MERRY CHRISTMAS! ENJOY!


Monday, December 10, 2012

"Life of Pi"- The Movie (2012)

    Award winning director Ang Lee came back again with an unknown box movie “ Life of Pi”. Ang Lee - previous famous movie "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" is consider one the most leading and most award winning director in the world.

    To be frank, the movie visual effects are eye popping especially on 3D effect. A superb 3D imaginary life cycle on the journey across Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger called Richard Parker was like watching Discovery Channel at Pacific Ocean on HD. The special effect were stunning and you will realize 100% on the hard work and creativity by the technical group and director towards the completion of this Ang Lee’s “Life of Pi”. The story telling is outstanding until you will understand at the end the moral of the stories and some interesting story twisting.

      Having zero expectation and zero knowledge before watching the movie  is fun and guys you will enjoy it BUT on 3D effects. The price at GSC IOI Mall is RM17.00  including 3D glass. The movie is OK for children too. Thank You for reading.

 Chicago Sun-Times, Roger Ebert called the film a “miraculous achievement of storytelling” and deamed it one of the year’s best films.