Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Desktop Virtualization by VMware

I have attended a seminar on Desktop Virtualization by VMware at Sunway Hotel on 27 Jun 2011.This is very usefull seminar for big companies.This talk is join by Falconstor and Trendmicro.
Benefits of VMware View :

a) Better security-data maintained within coperate firewall.
b) Lower cost -reduces cost of desktop computing to 50 %.
c) Reliabilitybusiness continuity and disaster recovery.
d) Reduced energy cost.

VMware View provides access to virtual destop and application running in a
central secure datacenter and accesible from wide variety of devices

In easy words is to throw away all the CPU we have and have a single virtual server controling everthing. How is it? One pc cost 2-3K. If we have 500pc's in a company, why dont we control all by virtual server only.Using VMware View, your can use Office 2000 or Office 2007 at one time.Troubleshooting will be on remote server which reduces time and energy for IT tec like us.Interesting.!
But please dun mistaken that desktop virtualizing will reduce software license.It will not reduce license since it still maintain as per user used.

Further knowledge:

***** SHRI GANESH ****

Friday, June 24, 2011

Krabi Island Thailand-Part 2

First before i start , I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the image below because without them we wont be flying anywhere with low budget.And also because of the superb promo package, we would like to thank Tan Sri  Anthony Francis Fernandes  for introducing Air Asia !!
" Now Everyone Can Fly " .


 Around the town in 1 hour 

Continuition from Part 1 "Kerabi Island Place of Mamamia" , this blog will be more on food and places visited in Krabi Island for viewers or anyone who wants to have rough idea about this island before goin there. Thanks to me and my firend ya..... ENsoy!!!


Not to forget one of the best tomyan food I 've eaten.The sup was simply delicious, Maybe we are teribly hungry.We choose big prawn with sotong besar and fish  plus one vegetable.Only 5 of us ate dasyatly because another one guy is vegetarian ..hahhaha pity.RACHA SEAFOOD & BAR was simply awesome and cheap.The resturant is located at Ao Nang town itself with about 5 minutes drive from Apasari resort.

Menu of the Day

Big prawn but a bit tasteless

Tomyan of the century

Duno what fish but nice

Full after eating..Relaxing

 Phi-Phi Islan Tour

Phi-Phi island your is one of the relaxing event and mind peace.We are able to view beautiful deep blue sea  and island of history. The tour took almost half day from 9am-4pm.Snorkling in the rain was a nice one because the wave is strong and the boat is swinging heavily following the strong wave. 
On way to Phi-Phi island tour

snorkling in the rain

Pirates of the Caribien in Phi Phi island

Island cave with history


Deep blue sea

Lunch time.Tomyan seafood was
extremely pedaslah!!!

swimming and enjoying the sea breath


Oh my god!! I dont think i can compose summore.I'm alredy tired composing this 2 krabi blog for almost 1 month. How I'm goin to add all 1000 photos taken at Krabi into this blog. Some are filtered one.
Hmmm that all for now on Krabi  !! adios ...sawadicup !!!
More pictures pls contact my blog follower Max Mogan because we use his camera. :)


This is an X-FILES since kainge still finding out where is Max, Senthil and my hand


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Krabi Island Thailand-Place for Mamamia-Part 1

For an exciting holiday, release tention , enjoyment and Bachelor Party ....The place we choose -Krabi Island which is approximately 3 hours from Phuket ( by boat i guess)...My trip to this island with 5 bachelor boys who needs deep exposure, is one of the most memorable one this year!! Hahaha .
The journey starts  on 20th JUN 2011 till 23th JUN2011

1)Shri Ganesh  2)Siva Balan  3)Mogan  4)Mahendran  5)Kumaran  6)Senthil

Money Budget Money!!
a)Air Asia - RM300 (to & fro) -during promotion period.
b)Accomodation - Apasari Resort - RM190 (per-person)- 4 days & 3 nights -
   3 per room- 100metre from Ao Nang beach.
c)Motorbike rent - RM10 per-day.
d)Thai massage - RM20.
e)Phi Phi island tour - RM100
f) Land tour- offspring and elephant ride -RM100

*Currency - RM100 - THB990.00    *Budget estimated - RM1000.00

We arrive at airport arond 2.30pm kerabi time and took a van to Apasari resort

Apasari pool view
  Day 1
- Arrive at Kerabi International Aiport at 2:30pm (Krabi time).
- Checking and bargaining for good island tour packages and accomadation    from the airport agent.
- Check- in to Apasari Resort at about 4pm.
- Have a good lunch at one of the restaurants 5 minutes ride from resort.
- We have booked to rooms.One room Siva, Senthil & Mogan.
- Another room   Shri , Mahen &   Kumaran.

The apasari resort bedroom consist of
 3 beds per room(1 single & 1 double bed).

Receptionist (Lobby)

Stylo mylo Boys !!! Do you think so? We have booked 4 cute pinky/bluevy bikes for our internal transportation.Around the town with this bike was unforgetable one especially when we out of gas and dunno where we were heading at nite . Hmm and everyone of us is in questionmark why Siva and Senthil wants to ride bike alone?... :) Understand  lah .....


Day 2
- Start Phi-Phi island tour at 9.00am after breakfast.
-Expeditation consist of exploring 4 beautiful island which comes with blue sea diving and snorkling.
  a)maya beach  b)mosquito island  c)bamboo island  d)monkey island
-We went around Phi Phi island using speedboat and it was raining at that time.
-More on Phi Phi island tour pictures will be posted on next blog!!

Snorkling in the rain

The Phi Phi island trip was full with beautiful scenaries.More pictures on next blog!!
Day 3
- Land tour consist of swiming at hotspring and elephant ride
-The hotspring waterfall was quit warm and more like natural sona.
- We were sweating once out of the hotspring waterfall.

Blue pool with steam
Emerald pool


Hot spring ...Warm...

Blue pool

The elephant ride was a challenging one. Kumaran was so excited and wanted to sit on the head of the elephant.It seems the elephant hair is poking his leg.He was so unconformtable but what to do since the elephant don't have hand break !! hahha

Max & Mahen seems to be enjoying the ride

Elephant ride.Who is sitting on my head!!
Feeding time after the  ride

Day 4
-Last day of the trip.Lucky got some money for shopping.
-And also some photo posing shots.

Ao Nang beach
Ao Nang Town

Are they shopping or posing
sorry... short pose!!

This trip is one of the most experience trip for some of the inexperince  "Kainge" (Friend).During this trip, we have met  new friend from France-Lois de Jesus.He was with us during tour to Phi-Phi Island.

Next trip we have decided more on technical experience instead of island and land tour.More over, they wanted more on entertainment side such as fullmoon party , clubs and disco.So the place next will be Phuket & Bangkok .HOW IS IT KAINGE?

The pictures in this blog section are limited. You may enjoy more exciting  and adventurous images on the next blog..STAY TUNE!!!

Any advise on Krabi ..pls ask us. We have experience...