Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Desktop Virtualization by VMware

I have attended a seminar on Desktop Virtualization by VMware at Sunway Hotel on 27 Jun 2011.This is very usefull seminar for big companies.This talk is join by Falconstor and Trendmicro.
Benefits of VMware View :

a) Better security-data maintained within coperate firewall.
b) Lower cost -reduces cost of desktop computing to 50 %.
c) Reliabilitybusiness continuity and disaster recovery.
d) Reduced energy cost.

VMware View provides access to virtual destop and application running in a
central secure datacenter and accesible from wide variety of devices

In easy words is to throw away all the CPU we have and have a single virtual server controling everthing. How is it? One pc cost 2-3K. If we have 500pc's in a company, why dont we control all by virtual server only.Using VMware View, your can use Office 2000 or Office 2007 at one time.Troubleshooting will be on remote server which reduces time and energy for IT tec like us.Interesting.!
But please dun mistaken that desktop virtualizing will reduce software license.It will not reduce license since it still maintain as per user used.

Further knowledge:

***** SHRI GANESH ****


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