Saturday, June 30, 2012


   If talk about handphones nowdays, everyone's mind will be on iPhone 4s and Samsung. Two giants in these gadget world are the Samsung & Apple , sometimes HTC and LG .I agreed that the technologies that these phones have are beyond  in mobile world and competing among each other tremendously.Wanna talk about my favourite phone?

SAMSUNG- Not this lah!!
iPHONE 4S-Not this too lah!!!

    Sorry guys, the above mobile are not in my list yet as favourites. Why? Because I don't think they can last for many years. Moreover these phones wont be able to function well once fell down from a bed or on the road while riding motorbike. CORRECT!
    My most everlasting superb phone I have used...from NOKIA of course.(Model 6510). It was the best phone owned ever. No regrets. When first I bought it in 2002 was RM950. It is consider one of the most expensive phone at that time.

NOKIA 6510
    I have been using NOKIA 6510  for the past 7  years and I have changed the baterry only once. The 6510 model speciality at that time was the radio and gold colour housing with blue screen. It was a modern technology at that era of Nokia generation. There is a lot of history and memories from this everlasting phone. It can stored almost 300-400 messages including phone memory and battery talk time was extremely superb. Real cool!.

    I am still having the 6510 now since I've change to Nokia Music Express in 2009. I have changed the phone "s housing since the original one was badly damage but no heart to throw it away. I'm keeping it in museum of my home!!! Nokia are a real giant at that time....but now Hmmmmmm. Anyway technology is moving real fast without realization. Humans are communicating with gadgets more than among each other as you can see everywhere in malls , cafe , coffee shop ,home ...etc..TECHNOLOGY CHANGE HUMAN CHANGE!!!! THAT'S REALITY.......



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