Sunday, September 23, 2012


    Nothing is like eating a Magnum Ice cream on the hot sunny Sunday. It gets addicted day by day especially the silky vanilla ice cream indulges with chocolates and almond toppings. The price here is RM3.90 but once touches my tongue, it finishes in 3.9 minutes. What A FAST FOOD! Hmmm.

      Thanks to Walls for creatively creating an addictive dessert to fulfill peoples “after eat” needs including me. It just like "Now You See, Now You Don’t”. My wife will begged me to buy one and even will be superb nice just to have MAGNUM:) What a powerful family food.

My Favourite Almond
    By the way, those addicts out there, there is competition and prizes going on at the moment. Make sure you check the ice-cream sticks after eating because any sticks with coded has chance to win exclusive prizes.  
Check this out :


Friday, September 14, 2012

Bachelor Party for Jaya Ganesh - Langkawi

    Bachelor party mission for Jaya was successfully accomplish at Langkawi the city of" Drink Drank & Drunk" on the July 21st 2012. It was a great one but hope it was not the last one since everyone in the group chapter's are being closed one by one. No matter what, do enjoy some of the photos uploaded here. Any advised and comments + some recommendation on "How To Enjoy Your Bachelor Party" may refer to us.
Meritus Pelangi Resort
Face reaction to see who is scare/dare on heights

Entrance to Langkawi Cable Car

Enjoying ice-cream at the top of the hill

Duty Free Shop. Shopping for the night

Mexican + Italian Pizza Dinner
    Thank you to Gopi, Jasmine, Angel, Chai, Neesha and lastly Jaya for the wonderfull effort to make this party a successfull one. For those who couldn't make, we understand. Hope to see you all again on the next occasion. Till then happy reading and bye for now. ADIOS!



Saturday, September 8, 2012

Jaya Ganesh engagement- 31st August 2012

    LiFe JoUrNeY CONTINUES........

 Jaya’s engagement was held on 31 August 2012 at Sree Ganeshar Alayam temple Kuala Kangsar. The event finished with joyful and smooth one no matter it started a bit late. The journey from Penang to Kuala Kangsar took about an hour due to car trail followers from north side. Thanks a lot for those who have attended and do enjoy some of the photo shots taken by me below....

    Mapillai looks smart with the suit equally to ponne. Not to forget the "kutties" that makes the event an extravaganza one. More photos please wait for the album ok. Congratulation again to Mr. & Mrs. Jaya Ganesh. Looking foward for the big day!!!