Friday, September 14, 2012

Bachelor Party for Jaya Ganesh - Langkawi

    Bachelor party mission for Jaya was successfully accomplish at Langkawi the city of" Drink Drank & Drunk" on the July 21st 2012. It was a great one but hope it was not the last one since everyone in the group chapter's are being closed one by one. No matter what, do enjoy some of the photos uploaded here. Any advised and comments + some recommendation on "How To Enjoy Your Bachelor Party" may refer to us.
Meritus Pelangi Resort
Face reaction to see who is scare/dare on heights

Entrance to Langkawi Cable Car

Enjoying ice-cream at the top of the hill

Duty Free Shop. Shopping for the night

Mexican + Italian Pizza Dinner
    Thank you to Gopi, Jasmine, Angel, Chai, Neesha and lastly Jaya for the wonderfull effort to make this party a successfull one. For those who couldn't make, we understand. Hope to see you all again on the next occasion. Till then happy reading and bye for now. ADIOS!




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