Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013 - Bye Bye 2012

    The year 2012 passes like a bullet. 365 days just like a piece of peanut “Now You See Now You Don't. Where it went? What we did? What is going on? Everything we will only realized it today –The End of Day of 2012. We will always carry the lessons of the past with us and looks confidently towards future. What happened in past has always been a memorable one whether it is sour or sweet.

    The year 2012 starts with new relationship and new lifestyle in me. The life after marriage is considered one of the most challenging activities in everyone life. Of course there is a lot more to come but the moments of going through it is something extraordinary. One will always felt frustration and also happiness facing it but smiling later on thinking about it over and over again. Correct GUYZ! Responsibilities, Commitment & Understanding have always been main subject for “The Life after Marriage”.

    Many interesting things happen in 2012. There are weddings, functions, vacation, visiting’s and many more to be named. House, job, financial and families have always been like a test in life. Each individual have their own life and method on how to face it I guess. Each challenges brings us together and each accomplishment makes us stronger & stronger.

    On every New Year day, we will always organize a party in KL together with my brother but not this year. This New Year celebration, we are having a pot luck dinner at friends house which I will upload it on the next blog.

    I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2013. Let’s hope our dreams come true on the next wonderful years. Friends, Relatives, Families & All - ENJOY LAH!
BYE BYE 2012. Thanx for reading.


Monday, December 24, 2012

Bibiwok Nyonya & Thai Cuisine on Christmas eve

    Having Tomyan Thai food on Christmas eve was something unexpected but we just wanted to try something new for dinner. We were just driving around Puchong (jalan-jalan cari makan)  until we passed by this restoran BIBIWOK Nyonya & Thai cuisine . It is situated at Bandar Puteri Puchong, near to Hong Leong Bank Bandar Puteri and next to BumbuBali restoran.

    The food was good especially the tomyan seafood, almost similar to Krabhi Thailand style (I have eaten before at Krabi Thailand). The Thai “paprik” chicken style is consider a right choice and a good combination with  Tomyam Seafood. Those who just wanted to give a try a good delicious tomyan thai soup, then I surely will recommend this shop.

Thai Padprik Chicken & Tomyan Seafood
    There are always hidden cost such as the tissues & tidbits but if you are going there for the food, then don't bother. No comment on the food. Simply good. MERRY CHRISTMAS! ENJOY!


Monday, December 10, 2012

"Life of Pi"- The Movie (2012)

    Award winning director Ang Lee came back again with an unknown box movie “ Life of Pi”. Ang Lee - previous famous movie "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" is consider one the most leading and most award winning director in the world.

    To be frank, the movie visual effects are eye popping especially on 3D effect. A superb 3D imaginary life cycle on the journey across Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger called Richard Parker was like watching Discovery Channel at Pacific Ocean on HD. The special effect were stunning and you will realize 100% on the hard work and creativity by the technical group and director towards the completion of this Ang Lee’s “Life of Pi”. The story telling is outstanding until you will understand at the end the moral of the stories and some interesting story twisting.

      Having zero expectation and zero knowledge before watching the movie  is fun and guys you will enjoy it BUT on 3D effects. The price at GSC IOI Mall is RM17.00  including 3D glass. The movie is OK for children too. Thank You for reading.

 Chicago Sun-Times, Roger Ebert called the film a “miraculous achievement of storytelling” and deamed it one of the year’s best films.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Singapore Trip-World Largest Aquarium ...

    Trip to Singapore was a new experience since I'm visiting the lion country after 20 years. The only thing I remember 20 years ago was a small MUSTAFA shopping centre. I do not have the change to visit MUSTAFA mall this time and it is actually of the most famous 24hr shopping mall in Singapore now. Few famous places "A MUST" visit in Singapore are the UNIVERSAL STUDIOS , LARGEST AQUARIUM, FLYERS(big wheel) & MARINA BAY (top view).

    S E A Aquarium , consider the largest aquarium viewing pannel  in the world and has hundreds types of species such as manta rays and hammerhead sharks. The ticket price is $29 and it is located right next to the Universal Studios and Casino. Enjoy the photos at world largest oceanarium below. 


    For those interested on Universal Studios, the price is $74 (RM185.00). My advice is to go there as early as its opens because it is a whole day event which includes outdoor theme park. Not to be miss the transformer 3D. I dun have the chance to enter because of heavy downpour and it's too late.

   Another important place is the Singapore flyers, the world largest giant ferries wheel. One full round will take approximately half an hour and it cost at $29 per person. One can view the beautiful Singapore Island by taking the ride especially at night.

    Above is just a blog tips for those who wants to have holiday in Singapore. IT IS REALLY REALLY EXPENSIVE IN SINGAPOREThanks for reading and feel free to comments.
RATE: $100 = RM250


Friday, October 26, 2012

Jaya's Registration- 30th September 2012


     The registration was held at Butterworth Hindu Sangam on 30th September 2012. Registration means officially married. Officially Husband & Wife.  Welcome to the club to our newly married couple  - Jaya Ganesh & Jayalakshimi.

   The explanation and advise given by the registered officer there was beyond experience. What a good start!!
Thanks for the lovely photos taken by ME. Thanks again for those who have attended. Wait for the BIG DAY OK! Do enjoy my blog and feel free to comment. THANK YOU.


Friday, October 5, 2012

Which TV to buy? Plasma or LCD or LED

     Anyone out there plans to buy a TV. How to buy? What brand to buy? Which is good? Complicating!
    Year 2012 TV technologies have gone to an extreme until TV price is going like tsunami. First let’s talk about technologies. Plasma & LCD. There are many TV brands out there competing among each others to produce the best for users and to enjoy the entertainment environment from home. Big names are the SAMSUNG, SONY, LG, SHARP, PANASONIC, Hitachi etc.
     Based on internet and online survey reviews, PLASMA TV wins majority in comparison with LCD TV. BUT everyone has their own point of view and likeness on how their TV can satisfy them.
(what is plasma display)  (what is LCD display).

Comparison on Plasma TV vs LCD TV :  My Homework!

1) Plasma TV is cheaper than LCD TV (Plasma: RM800 -RM2500).
2) LCD TV is brighter then PLASMA TV because of LED lights- Some says plasma wins on picture quality.
3) PLASMA TV viewing angle on off axis is better than LCD TV. It means from any angle you watch a plasma TV, you can view clearly compare to LCD TV.
4) Plasma TV contrast ration is better than LCD (plasma offers the best black level but LCD also coming up with LED Backlighting with local dimming technology).
5) Plasma TV works well on fast moving images compare to LCD which caught up with laggingness.
6) Some recommending buying LCD TV for below 40 inch size and Plasma TV for above 40 inch for better viewing.
7) LCD TV has the lowest power consumption compare to Plasma TV. Real Power Saving Technology.
8) ASTRO also suits well on Plasma TV compare to LCD TV(analogue) but some HD channels are good on LCD/LED TV's.

    Some might want to ask, What About LED TV's. LED TV's is actually an LCD TV that uses LED's to illuminate the display. LED TV's has two types, one is called the "edge lit"- the LED lights are around the perimeter and one more type are placing the LED's across the back of the display-the "back lit".

    Sony and Samsung has come up with LED TV's that has premium picture quality together with ultra-realistic 3D effect that really touches the world of home entertainment viewing. Watching HD blue ray movies like Avengers & Transformers on the LED TV's with superb surround home theater system will be one of the best weekend activities you will never experience! One can say bye to GSC & TGV Cinemas.

    Years to come, the LCD or LED will be equally competing with Plasma in terms of price. In future every house will be having a minimum 50inch and above home theater sytem with full LED back lit technology. What other technologies they are going to introduced in future, WHO KNOWS!!

    Guys, have you decide, WHAT TYPE TO BUY & WHICH IS THE BEST? hmmmmm. My Brand-Samsung, Sony & LG. Feel free to drop your comments. Thank You.

**** SHRI GANESH ****


Sunday, September 23, 2012


    Nothing is like eating a Magnum Ice cream on the hot sunny Sunday. It gets addicted day by day especially the silky vanilla ice cream indulges with chocolates and almond toppings. The price here is RM3.90 but once touches my tongue, it finishes in 3.9 minutes. What A FAST FOOD! Hmmm.

      Thanks to Walls for creatively creating an addictive dessert to fulfill peoples “after eat” needs including me. It just like "Now You See, Now You Don’t”. My wife will begged me to buy one and even will be superb nice just to have MAGNUM:) What a powerful family food.

My Favourite Almond
    By the way, those addicts out there, there is competition and prizes going on at the moment. Make sure you check the ice-cream sticks after eating because any sticks with coded has chance to win exclusive prizes.  
Check this out :


Friday, September 14, 2012

Bachelor Party for Jaya Ganesh - Langkawi

    Bachelor party mission for Jaya was successfully accomplish at Langkawi the city of" Drink Drank & Drunk" on the July 21st 2012. It was a great one but hope it was not the last one since everyone in the group chapter's are being closed one by one. No matter what, do enjoy some of the photos uploaded here. Any advised and comments + some recommendation on "How To Enjoy Your Bachelor Party" may refer to us.
Meritus Pelangi Resort
Face reaction to see who is scare/dare on heights

Entrance to Langkawi Cable Car

Enjoying ice-cream at the top of the hill

Duty Free Shop. Shopping for the night

Mexican + Italian Pizza Dinner
    Thank you to Gopi, Jasmine, Angel, Chai, Neesha and lastly Jaya for the wonderfull effort to make this party a successfull one. For those who couldn't make, we understand. Hope to see you all again on the next occasion. Till then happy reading and bye for now. ADIOS!



Saturday, September 8, 2012

Jaya Ganesh engagement- 31st August 2012

    LiFe JoUrNeY CONTINUES........

 Jaya’s engagement was held on 31 August 2012 at Sree Ganeshar Alayam temple Kuala Kangsar. The event finished with joyful and smooth one no matter it started a bit late. The journey from Penang to Kuala Kangsar took about an hour due to car trail followers from north side. Thanks a lot for those who have attended and do enjoy some of the photo shots taken by me below....

    Mapillai looks smart with the suit equally to ponne. Not to forget the "kutties" that makes the event an extravaganza one. More photos please wait for the album ok. Congratulation again to Mr. & Mrs. Jaya Ganesh. Looking foward for the big day!!!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hari Raya Open House - PM Residence Putrajaya

19 August 2012 - Hari Raya 1st Day

Raya Open House PM Official Residence Putrajaya


It was a first time experience visiting open house during Hari Raya. We had good chance to enter the prime minister official residence and shake hands with most of the ministers.We are not allowed to take photo inside but I  have took few shots outside the residence. ENJOY!

Long queue to meet PM at 10AM

Entrance to the PM residence-Seri Perdana

There are variety of foods at the PM open house. Ketupat , idli , satay , laksa, kuih-muih , mutton , chicken , pasumber , nasi goreng, mee goreng , roti bom, burger, roti canai , nasi beriyani and many more. All Malaysian food.

The time for the open house this year is from 10am-4pm. The crowd are increasing at noon and many tourist and other races turn up to be part of the festival. The event became livelier following the performance by some of the local artist. It was a good experience indeed.


We enjoyed the food to the max.
One more thing I would like to say. Attending other races open house. We only can find this in Malaysia ONLY!  . THANK YOU FOR READING.

**** SHRI GANESH****

Saturday, July 14, 2012

BILLA 2 THE BEGINNING(2012) - Movie Review

    BILLA 2- The Beginning is back again. The much awaited movie from "talle Ajit" was released on 13th July 2012 in Malaysia. I managed to get tickets for 4.50pm show at IOI Mall yesterday, thanks to the GSC online system purchased technology.

    The stylish looking David Billa as how in the previous Billa movie, appears this time with an excellent and bullet kind of dialogue. This time his partners are the sexy Parvathy Ommanakuttan and Bruna Abdullah. Of course they can't compete with the previous Billa superb ladies - Nayantara & Namitha but for a 1st time it’s ok. Music by Yuwan Shankarraja was good with an excellent background scores.

This story is about the rise of David Billa and how he became from and ordinary man into dangerous criminal don. This movies if full of  gangsters act where bullet and short knives speaks more than words.

From my point of view, the movie was well taken with good and brutal fight scenes. Ajit has his own style of acting and this time he smokes lesser than before.  Ladies for sure would not like this movie because of violence but for guys.....awesome. For further review, please go and watch the movie. Avoid piracy OK!

Since Mankatha was a big hit with multi award winning from ITFA, let wait and see how is Billa 2 journeys goes.....ALL THE VERY BEST BILLA



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Penang Murugan Temple - New Thaipusam Temple


   GOOD DAY TO ALL! Today my blog is about a temple. Penang Murugan temple or Thaipusam temple is one of the most famous temples in Malaysia. (Read related blog on thaipusam ). This temple has been newly renovated and the renovation cost is more than a red Ferrari. For those who don’t have chance to visit this multimillion cost temple, please feel free to enjoy the photos below.
Exterior temple structure
Interior design


    For your information, I’ve never been to this temple also. The photos were taken by my brothers. Hahahah. SHARING IS CARING!!! One will have a plan to visit Penang one day after viewing these photos for sure. Support Visit Malaysia 2012.
Anyway I surely will pay a visit to this temple once back to Penang. PENANG MAH!!!


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Competitor For ASTRO?

    ASTRO  has been the largest pay television provider in Malaysia. Its very rare to see houses without ASTRO now days. NOW there is a new player in a cable television market called ABN (Asian Broadcast Network). ABN set to launch its services somewhere in June and July 2012. Its good to have a competitor  for this services , at least ASTRO will reduce their package price. Correct?

    ABN is something like those days analogue cable TV (MEGA TV-appears once upon a time and then disappear). This daring digital cable TV is set to provide 50-60 channels upon launching and offering at cheaper price at start. This will be good news for those who do not have ASTRO at home. They are setting up their centre at Puchong Gateway,  next to Seri Kembangan toll and vacancies are available at ABN for many positions currently.
   According to Business Times, ABN choose Fibrecom and Tenaga Nasional as its back haul fibre optic partner and Fibrecom  51% shares owns by Telekom Malaysia. Since ABN is using fibre optics as their cable, I'm not very sure whether the UNIFI fibre optic cable can be used with it? For those who have UNIFI, maybe there is a benefit on that. Since ABN can offer more than 2000 channels, what for ASTRO?

    The new CEO, Sreedhar Subramaniam is bringing this project towards frontier as how Tan Sri Tony Fernandez did for Air Asia. Let's see..... ALL THE  BEST ABN !!!


Saturday, June 30, 2012


   If talk about handphones nowdays, everyone's mind will be on iPhone 4s and Samsung. Two giants in these gadget world are the Samsung & Apple , sometimes HTC and LG .I agreed that the technologies that these phones have are beyond  in mobile world and competing among each other tremendously.Wanna talk about my favourite phone?

SAMSUNG- Not this lah!!
iPHONE 4S-Not this too lah!!!

    Sorry guys, the above mobile are not in my list yet as favourites. Why? Because I don't think they can last for many years. Moreover these phones wont be able to function well once fell down from a bed or on the road while riding motorbike. CORRECT!
    My most everlasting superb phone I have used...from NOKIA of course.(Model 6510). It was the best phone owned ever. No regrets. When first I bought it in 2002 was RM950. It is consider one of the most expensive phone at that time.

NOKIA 6510
    I have been using NOKIA 6510  for the past 7  years and I have changed the baterry only once. The 6510 model speciality at that time was the radio and gold colour housing with blue screen. It was a modern technology at that era of Nokia generation. There is a lot of history and memories from this everlasting phone. It can stored almost 300-400 messages including phone memory and battery talk time was extremely superb. Real cool!.

    I am still having the 6510 now since I've change to Nokia Music Express in 2009. I have changed the phone "s housing since the original one was badly damage but no heart to throw it away. I'm keeping it in museum of my home!!! Nokia are a real giant at that time....but now Hmmmmmm. Anyway technology is moving real fast without realization. Humans are communicating with gadgets more than among each other as you can see everywhere in malls , cafe , coffee shop ,home ...etc..TECHNOLOGY CHANGE HUMAN CHANGE!!!! THAT'S REALITY.......


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Shantini's Engagement-Penang

Dear Shantini,(attai ponne)

Enjoy all your enagagement photos here and please declare yourself as "MARRIED". Sorry not that much photos but OK OK.




Sunday, June 17, 2012

iPhone 4S - Only RM599

    MAXIS One Club Member  is giving away iPhone 4S(16GB) for the price of RM599 when sign up  for the iValue2 plan at RM155/month for 24 months. Offers valid until  24th June 2012 and limited stocks only.

    To own the smart phone , pay RM155 and submit 3 things - IC & Driving License Photostat and also either Maxis bill or any bills under your name. If you current bill exceed RM150 , then this smart phone is worth for the money . Data plan for Internet excess cost is included in RM155 but if you exceed 3GB(download/upload) then  you "pay more

To access facebook using iPhone is OK but not for U-Tube download.Finish LAH!!!
For me I can't do blog with iPhone 4S. Hahah.THANK YOU.

iPhone 4S actual price:RM2190